Friday, June 25, 2010

What are your thoughts Creating For You?

For the masses people’s thoughts come and go without them giving them much attention. They go from one mood to another and let their surroundings and environment control them totally unaware of how powerful and deeply rooted our thoughts are. What we think about we bring about.

With a here and now attitude towards what is happening in their life such as weekend plans or a simple thing such as stubbing a toe in the morning, they let these things control their control their mood throughout the day or coming days and continue on a mental journey with no real purpose. They believe that you must play the hand you are given. This keeps people on a treadmill of life with no foresight to see what is really here for us to discover and explore in this thought universe.

Many people want to change their circumstances but are un-willing to do what is necessary. This being said awe must first be willing to change and alter our thought process.

The first step in correcting our lives and changing the path we are on begins with our thoughts. There is no where else to start but here. We must begin by becoming aware of our minds thoughts and what we let influence us. We must uplift our thoughts and rise from thinking thoughts of mediocrity and lack. We must foster a new outlook or self-image in our mind. Unless we believe we are something better in our mind, we cannot become that person in reality. We must hold an image in our mind of a better place of being because what we believe in our heart and mind will come to pass.

This is much more than just positive thinking. Positive thinking is great and serves us well when used properly. But beyond this we must seek a level of conscious thinking that is seeking a deeper knowledge of oneself. Only through practise and experience of our emotions and results can we gain an understanding of ourselves that allows us to direct our thoughts with purpose and intention. When we think purposely and control our thoughts we have the ability to find strength and happiness within ourselves that allows us to be the creator of our destiny.

With right thinking and pure thoughts we discover that what is going on in around us is circumstantial and how we react to it determines our overall well-being. Our well-being and contentment is totally up to us and our perspective on what is going on.

So begin by creating uplifting and pure thoughts that seek the good in everything and this will plant the seeds of right thinking. Seek emotional well-being towards ourselves and others. Only once we become more righteous in our thinking can we ascend to greater heights of fulfillment and joy in our lives. Let the search for overall well-being and calmness of mind begin now!