Thursday, May 27, 2010


We as human beings are typically living fairly high-paced,
high-stressed lives. With really no remote chance of even
slowing down. I mean there isn't much we wait for anymore
and if we do wait for it, it tends to cause a little stress.
But more importantly the little stresses of waiting, being
cut-off in traffic, listening to the news or even, well,
the list could go on and on. The point is, if we focus on
the dreary and negative sides to everyday life, things can
look pretty dismal. Unless, we choose to do something about
it. I would like to give a few suggestions on how we can deal
with negative thoughts.

This is something I sought out a number of years ago. This
has been the focal point of change in my life. My life was what
was described above and it seemed that was the way it was always
going to be.

What I learned, I learned through reading books, meditation and
through many of life's experiences. One of the things I have learned
is that our thoughts are very powerful and that they can be controlled
with a practice and meditation. When we do this we can become aware
of our thoughts and thought patterns. When we can do this we can put a
stop to our negative thoughts, or at least curb them from taking total
control of our mind. The key is to have enough awareness to shift your
thoughts from a negative mind frame to a positive mind frame in as little
time as possible. The main thing we want to do is stay in a positive
state of being. We don't want to lose our focus of staying in the moment
and being aware of our thoughts and feelings. We want to get right back
to thinking warm thoughts. For some, who may not be as advanced, here
are a few technique that work well. Before your day, have some Heartwarming
memories, thoughts of loved ones, a Tropical Paradise or just anything that
makes you feel great inside. Use these feelings or memories if you should
require a little pick me up throughout the course of the day if you find
yourself in a negative state of mind. One last one, it will work, smile
with an ear to ear grin for one full minute. This will definitely change
your mood. So here's to a more UPLIFTING day!

Darcy Dunkley


  1. A positive mental attitude is the key to life. Thanks for posting this important article.

    ~Clint White

  2. Darcy,

    Thanks so much for the advice... it sounds good to us, and smiling is always the best choice.

    Glad to see you were able to get your post up on your blog. Look forward to many more.

    ~ Pat and Lorna

  3. Darcy,
    Oh so true! Empowering yourself with positive thoughts moves you forward in life. What a great way to look at things,
    Val :)

  4. Darcy, I love this video clip. Life has so much to offer so I am glad my positive attitude influences many.

    Thanks for the post

  5. Darcy

    I loved your post. I really like going to someplace tropical, or a forest of dark greens with a running stream. Tonight was one of those times. This is a fantasatic tool for changing the moment, and the course.

    I look forward to more
    Laura Morris

  6. Darcy, solid advice. I've use Nick Vujicic a few times. He is amazing with the attitude we all need to get through life. Thanks again for your timely post.

  7. Hi Darcy,

    This is great advice. There is so much power in the mind. Whether we are focusing on positive or negative thoughts, it is totally in our control.

    Melodie Kantner

  8. Hi Darcy,

    Awesome post! When I find myself beginning to think negative thoughts, I replace them right away with positive statements on the same subject. Works like a charm....

  9. Hey Darcy! Great work on this post! You've brought out that special something that people need to create a mind of peace.. Far better to work with that backing your actions than emotions of fear!

  10. Darcy, I have taught stress management courses and I currently work with clients using somatic body psychotherapy and counseling to help them alleviate stress and gain clarity in their lives and relationships. I have used guided imagery and imagining a healing, peaceful scene. But you have just added a new item to my toolbox - smiling ear to ear for one full minute. And I would add, at the same time raise your arms above your head. It would be quite difficult to be sad with this body language. Thank you.

  11. Darcy,
    Can't imagine what life would be like without a positive attitude! I loved your idea of conjuring up a warm and fuzzy memory to reframe your day:)

  12. Hi Darcy, most excellent advice. Every morning I play Youtube videos featuring Abraham-Hicks and she talks beautifully about this very art of choosing thoughts to increase well being. It's powerful to learn to choose thoughts. Thank you for some positive input.
